Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Constant State of Thankfulness

Currently I am studying Stuck by Jennie Allen.  I love this study.  The thing that I love most about this study is that it touches every area in my life that I struggle with; anger, fear, sadness, discontent.  Today's devotional touches on thankfulness; being thankful to the Lord for whatever season of life you are in.  For me, I have to constantly be in gratitude to God because if I am not, my life is either full of bitterness or pride, depending on if God has me in the valley or on the mountain top.  Without gratitude in my heart, it is all about me, not about Him.  I take for granted, and even overlook, the blessings of God and take all the credit.  Or when life is not going my way, I throw a pity party for myself and expect everyone to attend.  But if I live in constant thankfulness, no matter the circumstance, it does not matter.  God gives me what I need, so there is no need to be discontent, angry, scared or even sad.  He is enough.

Let thankfulness temper all our thoughts.  A thankful mind-set keeps us in touch with Him.  He hates it when His children grumble, casually despising His sovereignty.  Thankfulness is a safeguard against this deadly sin.  Furthermore, a grateful attitude becomes a grid through which you perceive life.  Gratitude enables us to see the light of His presence shining on all of our circumstances.  Cultivate a thankful heart, for this glorifies Him and fills us with joy.
1 Corinthians 10:10; Hebrews 12:28-29

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