Monday, April 28, 2014

Which One?

As we look into the day that stretches out before us, we see many choice-points along the way.  We must make our choices one at a time since each is contingent upon the decision that precedes it.  Instead of trying to create a mental map of our paths through this day, focus on His loving presence with us.  He will equip us as we go so that we can handle whatever comes our way.  Trust Him to supply what we need when we need it.
Lamentations 3:22-26; Psalm 34:8

Sometimes I get so wrapped up with my own life that I forget to reach out to others.  Sometimes I go through a struggle and wonder if anyone can relate.  Sometimes I forget that we are all human and that life is not perfect.  I found out today that my sister is going through a tough situation.  I want to be there for her and help her in any way that I can, but I am not enough.  God reminds all of us that everyday we are faced with choices, and we have to be careful because one choice is a direct result of the previous choice.  We need to constantly focus our attention on Him.  He will direct our paths.  He will guide us in whichever way we should go.  He will equip us so that we can handle whatever comes our way.  And through it all, He will never forsake us or leave us.  Call upon His name, and He will come ready to fight the battle with us.

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