Sunday, April 27, 2014

His Nurturing Side

Go to Him with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive abundant blessings.  He knows the depth and breadth of our neediness.  Our life-paths have been difficult, draining us of strength.  Go to Him for nurture.  Let Him fill us up with His presence:  He in us, and us in Him.  His power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need for Him.  Faltering steps of dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to His presence.
John 17:20-23; Isaiah 40:29-31

We have had an exhausting weekend; just nonstop from dawn to dusk.  I am utterly exhausted.  I am drained of strength and energy.  I have no more to give of myself.  God tells me that on days like this, I need to go to Him.  He will nurture me back to health.  He will give me more of His strength to continue on another day.  On days like today, I realize how much I depend on Him.

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