Wednesday, April 02, 2014

A Balancing Act

In a marriage, it is all about team work.  In our marriage, there always seems to be a shift in roles.  Sometimes I am the worrier, other times it is Jeremy.  This morning Jeremy called, worrying about our upcoming trip to Pigeon Forge.  Thanks be to God that He provided me with peace, not only to reassure Jeremy, but to also encourage him.  We need to balance each other out, so that both of us are not on the same end of the spectrum, tipping the scale.

He has promised to meet all our needs according to His glorious riches.  Our deepest, most constant need is for His peace.  He has planted peace in the garden of our hearts, where He lives, but there are weeds growing there too; pride, worry, selfishness, unbelief.  He is the gardener, working to rid our hearts of those weeds.  He also sends trials into our lives.  When we trust Him in the midst of trouble, peace flourishes and weeds die away.  Thank Him for troublesome situations; the peace they can produce far outweigh the trials we endure.
Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 4:17

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