Friday, February 21, 2014

What Not To Wear

I love leggings.  They are about the only things I wear, pants wise.  They are comfortable, stretchy and gives you some tummy control.  The one thing I do hate about wearing leggings though is finding long enough shirts for coverage.  I never want to dress in a way that attracts attention, or makes me look, excuse my French, slutty.  This morning I had a very hard time looking for something to wear.  I stared at the clothes in my closet for hours it seemed like.  I finally settled on a white tank top with a white sweater.  I thought it was going to be long enough, but when I put it on, it barely does the job.  So I text my sister and a friend to get their opinions.  One says it's long enough, the other says borderline.  Well that's no help!  Haha.  So I settled on eating some lunch, reading my devotional and starting back at square one, inside my closet.  But here is what I read today.

Trust and thankfulness will get me safely through this day.  Trust protects me from worrying and obsessing.  Thankfulness keeps me from criticizing and complaining; those "sister sins" that so easily tangle me.  Keep my eyes on Him.  It is a free choice that I must make thousands of times daily.  Focus on Him, entrusting my concerns into His care.
Colossian 2:6-7; Psalm 141:8; 1 Peter 5:7

I need to trust God and not worry and obsess about what I am wearing.  I need to be thankful that I even have clothes to wear, so I can stop criticizing and complaining about my limited wardrobe.  These sins do so easily tangle me.  That's why I cannot go through one day being genuinely happy because I keep worrying, obsessing, criticizing and complaining.  I need to be thankful for even the littlest things because to others, I have more than I need.  I just need to entrust all of my concerns into His care, even the smallest of concerns.

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