Monday, June 20, 2005

Officially Pregnant

After this past weekend, I can safely say that I am pregnant. I have been puking up a storm. I don't know what it was, but this past weekend was the first time I experienced morning, afternoon and night sickness. At first I contemplated as to why I started getting morning sickness and so I decided to do a test. Friday and Saturday morning, I ate a real breakfast. Usually, I just have time for a granola bar on the way to work. On Sunday, I just ate a granola bar and I was fine all day. I came to the conclusion that if I eat real breakfast, like eggs and sausage, I don't feel good ALL DAY. I vomit all day which leads to this migraine that just makes me want to drive a knife through my head. If I just eat crackers or granola bars, I'll be fine. So I guess I'll save the real food for the afternoon. I wish I could stay home during the first few months of my pregnancy. All I feel like doing is laying in bed and sleeping all day. I have no energy to do anything. I don't even feel like working out, which I should be doing if I want to fit into my wedding dress. I am worried that I'll be too big (fat and pregnant) to fit into my wedding gown. But we'll see how it turns out!

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