Thursday, May 08, 2014


Do not long for the absence of problems in our lives.  That is an unrealistic goal since in this world we will have trouble.  We have an eternity of problem-free living reserved for us in heaven.  Begin each day anticipating problems, asking Him to equip us for whatever difficulties we will encounter.  Discuss everything with Him.  Remember that He is on our side, and He has overcome the world.
John 16:33; Isaiah 41:13; Philippians 4:13

As a mother of three, everyday brings new challenges.  Some days go smoothly, and some days are chaotic.  The way I handle one from the other depends on when I spend time with God.  Some mornings, I get up before the kids and take care of my spiritual, emotional, mental and physical being.  Other days, I hit the snooze button until the sun comes up.  Those are the days when my patience is short, kindness is thrown out the window and there is nothing left to give until I can find a moment to spend time in the Word.  God tells us that in this world, we will have trouble.  The way to deal with it is to begin each day with the Lord, asking Him to equip us with what we need that only He can provide.  He is for us and with us.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.

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