We have 9 days until the wedding and I have a broken blood vessel in my left eye, which has caused the white of my eye to turn bloody red. How nice. Just my luck. I am into my second trimester, and even though my morning/afternoon/night sickness went down a level, it hasn't totally disappeared. I guess from throwing up, I have put too much strain on my eye, at least that's what the doctor told me. I asked if he could prescribe some drops, but he said it's pointless. It'll just have to heal on its own. How lovely. I am still holding onto some hope though because the doctor told me it should take about 7-10 days for it to heal. I have 9 days. Let's see how it looks then. He said it should eventually turn brown and then yellow, so as long as it's in its yellow stage by the wedding, I should be happy. But I'm sure if it's not, the photographer can work some magic.
Well, the wedding plans are coming along great. We have everything planned, except for a few minor details. We are still trying to convince the preacher to move the communion table. For those of you who don't know the dilemma, the communion table is HUGE. It's a pretty small Church, so the stage is not up high. Standing on the stage, behind the communion table, makes it hard for people to see me and doesn't allow the photographer to take a picture of my entire dress. The communion table covers almost half of my dress. I mean, it's a pretty huge table. Well, the preacher at first said we can move it, then decided to change his mind and said it will take the symbolism out of worship. I can totally understand his view, but it's not like we are going to get rid of it altogether. Just push it to the side. We still intend on using it, for our unity candle. We'll see though.
Has anyone experienced this. People will be so nice to you, when you are only shopping around, and when they finally get your business, they turn into a witch! The restaurant we are having the reception at, Modavi Restaurant, the staff is really friendly. Especially Sonya, who coordinates receptions. Well, after we got her business, she totally did a 180. Everytime I call her to ask her things, she is just a total witch. Major attitude. I don't know if it's me because I am pregnant and my hormones are getting the best of me, or if that's just how businesses are. Anyway, I am tired of dealing with her. I will be so glad when this wedding is over!!!
Ouch, that sounds painful. Is it? Hopefully it will all clear up before the wedding and you will look beautiful!
Keep working on the Preacher to have the Communion table moved! That would be great if he finally decided to let you do it.
Hope your eye's getting better. Trust me I'm sure you'll look beautiful no matter what. Hope you can get some pics up on this blog of the wedding. Enjoy your day.
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