So it seems as if this whole household needs to see a doctor. I took Alexa to the pediatrician today to make sure she is not cranky because she is hurting. The pediatrician concluded that her crankiness is due to colic. So she prescribed prevacid. Let's pray it works! My husband is not feeling too hot himself. He has a sore throat, cough and a headache. So it seems as if I must play doctor to the both of them.
Here are some pictures of Alexa.

And my seems as if she is singing, but it's really her trying to suck on her hand.

Awwww, she's so cute! What a little peanut! Your household sounds like ours only I'm the one sick and not hubby. Gracie's had a dandy cold for a week now and is just starting to get over it. Here's to getting the kiddos (and your hubby) healthy again:)
We are all sick over here too, it must be something going around!! Even Seth has it!
Alexa is so cute!! I don't know why your doctor would prescribe Prevacid though. I have been on that for years for acid reflux (even though recently I found out i was misdiagnosed and I actually have gullstones)and it should only have to be taken for about a month and it should heal the acid reflux. I have done so much research on Prevacid over the years and I am clueless as to why they would prescribe her that for colic. I mean, does she spit up allot? I don't know, your doctor knows way more then me about her, so they know what's best, but I am just baffled at giving such a young baby that kind of medication. I hope it helps her though, I just waited out the colic with all my kids and they do grow out of it by around 3 months, so I have a while yet for Seth!!:( lol
She is so stinkin cute!
Seth just started smiling about 2 days ago. He is much faster then all my other kids were though. He's already holding his head up pretty well and when he is on his tummy he pushes himself forward with his feet. It's very surprising to me that he is doing all this so quickly. Olivia and Zach were allot slower. I was very worried with them too, thinking they were slow and were behind in motor skills. But every child goes at their own pace and when and if you have other children, you will see that their schedules are not so far off, and things start happening very quickly once one thing begins. I always thought Olivia was slow, she didn't hold her head up till she was well past 3 or 4 months, she didn't walk till she was about 17 months, or even sit up on her own till she was close to a year, about 10 months. Zachary followed suit, but began things a couple months earlier, and now Seth will be the fastest of them all. But my point was (after this whole book) don't worry, Alexa will do all this in no time and before you know it you will wonder where the time went!!
She's so cute!
Hope everyone is better soon...and you don't get it!!
Gorgeous pics!
I love the new look too!
Really cute close-up pics!
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