We finally got our house decorated. The one of the Christmas tree is sideways and I didn't know how to turn it, so I'm afraid you will just have to turn your head to see it. I'm going to have to get together with Taylor and ask her about loading these pictures onto these blogs because I still can't figure out how to put text, then picture, then text again. It seems like all my pictures get moved up to the top even though I type something first. Anyway, Jeremy and I finally got off our lazy butts and decorated the front of the house, the inside and finally put up the Christmas tree.
There's been such a commotion on artificial trees this year that we decided to purchase a real one. Jeremy is scared, as well as I, when we've heard that artificial trees can cause birth defects that we just went ahead and bought a real one. We were going to wait till next year to get a real one, but this year is fine too. I actually like the real one better because you can stick the lights inside the tree instead of hanging them on the branches like the artificial ones do. This is actually my first year having a real Christmas tree. My family always had fake ones.
No new news on the baby. Everything is still going great. My neighbor just had her baby a few days ago. She was due at the end of this month, but her little girl decided to come before Christmas so she can get some presents...haha. I am getting excited, but a little nervous and anxious at the same time. I only have 8 more weeks to go. I had tons of dreams about the baby. One dream I had, she turned out to be a he. The second dream, someone else had our baby and I was still pregnant. The third dream was that she had brown hair and blue eyes. Such weird dreams. Next week is finals and then Christmas break. After that, I start my online classes. I'm so glad I don't have to travel to campus for awhile. I'm going to enjoy that.
Well, hope everything has a great week!
You can just click and drag the pictures to where ever you want them in the text.
Love the Christmas spirit!
Funny dreams about the baby, lol. I can't beleive it's only 8 weeks away! Hope you let Tay post some pics and updates when the time comes, if you can't get to the blog world...
Hey, that looks a lot like my tree! :)
Beautiful Christmas decorations!!
I also had a dream the other night that our boy turned out to be a girl!! But luckily today was out 35wk. appt. and she definitaly confirmed that he is a boy!! lol (hubby made sure of that) Glad all is well and have a wonderful holiday!!
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