Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Really Gonna Do It

This time it will be different. No more "well the last time I dieted." I am committed to not only losing weight, but to being a healthier me. No more hitting the gym just because I want to lose the twenty pounds I gained from pregnancy, but to overall live a healthier life. I want to live a long life to be there for my Alexa and to see her grow old. I am committed.

I won't be starting a weight loss blog because I won't be able to keep up with two blogs, so it will all just have to fit here. I promise, I will still update on my life and Alexa. About two weeks ago, I got a complimentary session with a personal trainer. He taught me a lot about how to eat and how to work out. I've also learned that I weighed 134 (I'm 5 feet tall) and 29% body fat. That body fat percentage puts me in the "poor" category. He said I need to be in the "great" category which is around 12%.

I am taking small steps. I am drinking a lot of water. Thankfully, I was never a soda drinking person. I am TRYING to eat right and not eat after a certain time at night. I have been very good at will power too. I have said no to fast food quite a few times last week and this week. That is a very big step for me since I LOVE fast food.

My long term goal is to lose 30 lbs. by September. September is our 1st year wedding anniversary and two weddings. Since April is coming to a close, I have about 5 months. That equals 6 lbs. per month. That seems like a lot, but if I work hard, I might be able to achieve it. If not, I'll still feel good about myself for living a healthier life.

Thanks to Linda, I have found this motivation within myself. Knowing that I am not the only one going through something makes it that much easier to stay focused. I am not alone.


Linda said...

Aww, I am glad I can be motivation to someone else.

We will have to work together to keep each other motivated!! I think that if we have the support here, we can accomplish anything we want to.

And you are exactly right, to live a healthier life for our children.

I am so excited to have people doing this with me! :)

Tina M said...

Good for you and good for your reason for doing it!! Best of luck. It does make it easier when you have friends doing the same thing.

Choppzs said...

Good luck, I hope it all works out good for you!!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Good for you - and you have a partner in this - me.

I went shopping last night for some new clothes and I was just sad. I have let myself go for too long now. I need to eat better. I need to do some exercise.

I am not a big fast food person but I am a convenience food person which means quick unhealthy meals - that will have to stop!

Good luck in your journey!

eyes_only4him said...

wow good for you...its all about the mind set i think..

if you want to change ytour life, it will work..if you jsut want to lose 20 pounds it wont work..ya no what I go girl..

i use to have a weight loss blog, but never wrote in it..

Kendra Lynn said...

You go, girl. I"m trying it too.
Keep it up and feel good.


Tammy Williams said...

Our baby is due on September 17th and we are planning a big trip to Newfoundland for Christmas with the baby, so I want to lose most of my baby weight by then. HOPEFULLY I can do it.
Good luck to you too.

Me said...

I'm really bad with doing the height/weight ratio....cuz 134 doesn't sound bad to me, but I know you said you're only 5 ft. So what should be you????

You go can do this!!! Just take it one day at a time.