Friday, September 11, 2009

25 Weeks

So tomorrow I will be 25 weeks!! This baby has been more active lately and it's movements have actually been movements instead of just kicks. It's awesome to actually see my stomach move when the baby is making movements. I can't believe I only have 15 weeks or less to go. I'm gonna miss my belly!! I better cherish every minute of it because it'll be flab before you know it! HAHA. Hopefully I'll be volunteering at a pregnancy center while Alexa is in preschool so maybe I'll get another sonogram before this baby is due!! But I'm still not finding out the sex!! LOL

Alexa has officially started preschool. She loves it! She had snack duty the first day of school so she got to be the big helper and the leader of their nature walk. She probably thinks she rules her classroom now. LOL. She came home today and said that the girls are nice and boys are mean. She said the girls talk too much about boys being mean. Oh no, the gossiping has started already! LOL

So in other news, I'm joining a MOPS group! I'm so excited about meeting some moms and hopefully getting some playdates set up for Alexa. She loves getting out of the house, but preschool is only three hours in the morning. It has been very hard for both of us adjusting to staying home all day, but God has truly blessed us in many ways. I cannot comprehend the goodness of Him and His mercy for us. Some days I just cannot help but fall on my knees and just praise Him for all that He has provided for us. Hopefully I can give back by leading others to Him so they can receive and enjoy His goodness.

1 comment:

The Applings said...

Just found my way to your blog. I'll have to check back often for updates on Alexa. We should definitely get Alexa and Caroline together sometime soon. We are excited about getting to know you and your family better!