Thursday, June 07, 2007


Man...I am really slacking on this blog thing. So a lot has been going on since the last time I posted. We FINALLY moved into our house...YAY! It feels soooo good to have your own place again. Alexa is adapting well. We've moved that kid around so much that she probably doesn't even know how long we will be in this house, but I made sure that we stay in this house for a very long time because we put so much effort and money into it.

I finally joined the gym about a month ago. I haven't lost any weight, but that's probably because I'm not eating healthy. I should do that or else I'm just burning off half of what I ate at McDonald's for lunch...LOL.

Alexa is getting older and smarter everyday. She has started to talk, but only a few words like here, shoe, cracker...etc. She LOVES to eat and has recently learned to climb out of bed, so if you put her down for nap and for the night, she will climb out a few times before she finally gives up and lays down. About a month ago, we went to Myrtle Beach and she hated the ocean, but LOVED the pool. Everytime we would get out, she would scream and pit a fit. She's like that in the bath too. She just loves water.

I'm trying to convince my husband that we should start trying for another baby. I can tell Alexa gets bored with us. Like over the weekend, she will whine and just sit there and not play because she has nobody to play with. I will try and play with her, but she gets bored with me after awhile. When she sees other kids, like when Tristyn comes over, she totally gets sooo excited. Besides, I want another child. I think we're ready.

Well that's it for now. I promise I will make more time to blog.


Choppzs said...

Yahhh, you're back! lol

Moving is really hard on kids! My kids have certainly gotten used to the whole moving thing. Lucky for them because we'll be moving here in a couple months! lol

Baby #2 will certainly keep her company. But you'll also never hear the end of the fighting and whining! lol

Wendy aka Cheeky said...


Glad that you made it into your house.

Oh and ummm now that you posted again...where are the baby pics?? Can't just tease us like that LOL.

Choppzs said...

Happy 4th Ju! Have a wonderful Holiday!

Choppzs said...

New Baby here!! Check her out!

Taylor said...


(I'm yelling in my cheering voice if ya can't tell!)

Taylor said...

Okay it has been over a year!!!!